Chilli Garlic Salt

Item Code: ChilliGarlicSalt
Price:  $7.50 – $49.00

Chilli Garlic Salt

Item Code: ChilliGarlicSalt
Price:  $7.50 – $49.00
* Required

Chilli Garlic Salt - Hot


Chilli Garlic Salt is a salt with a hit of Chilli.

You will taste the flavours of the garlic and the herbs and spices used in this salt before you get a hit of chilli.

It is particularly good with seafood.

It makes awesome potato wedges.

Or rub into any cut of meat and BBQ or Roast.


Chilli Garlic Salt



Our own special blend.  All our salts and spice blends are made with sea salt flakes.

Excellent with any meat, seafood, or vegetables.
Great Rubbed in BBQ meats or roast meat and vegetables,
Make pototo and sweet potato wedges with a bite!

 Ingredients: Sea salt, garlic, chilli, pepper,onion, cayenne, parsley.